Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Value your Resources

Value your resources
Resources are the root of any organization’s success and thus hold a significant and crucial importance for the well-being. Managers have a great responsibility to utilize these resources up to an optimum level and for this they require collaboration with every employee, making it a part of the shared goal.
Managers can’t get their desired goals only by conveying orders and call for a meeting for briefing. It takes a lot much more to integrate the process of utilizing the precious resources without wasting them. For this, the manager needs to motivate employees so that they can give their best with dedication and enthusiasm. It would not be wrong to say that it is an art to influence individual’s behaviors towards a common goal. Here I am going to share some points for managers that can be a great help.
-          Inspire. Managers need to keep this in mind all the time that human being’s greatest motivator can be an act of appreciation and boosting their self-esteem. With many theories supporting this idea that employees with greater self-esteem performs much better than those who lacks. The reason is obvious. Having a higher self-esteem means higher satisfaction which eventually leads to a better performance.
-          Confidence. Trust your team and their abilities. Many managers lack confidence which ends in panic and wrong assumptions. You have got to believe your people as with every relation to sustain, trust is the most important factor of all.
-          Be understandable. Managers should make company’s goals m and precise in front of their teams. Vague and formless tasks confuse employees and they simply can’t coordinate with the manager’s perception. The project manager has the responsibility to make things clear to his team to avoid misconceptions.
-          Skill balance. Managers have to make a precise balance between the skills of the employees and the desired set of potentials for the job. Managers should assign tasks to people who he thinks is the best choice to carry out the task so that he can be sure about the result.
-          Don’t force! Yes, there is a very fine line between being cheered or forceful. Managers should not compel their employees to work against deadly deadlines! They will not achieve anything instead of its repercussions.
-          Resolve issues. Keep an eye on the problems occurring and try to resolve them as soon as they surface with a justified and reasonable attitude.
Don’t forget to comment your opinions!

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