Friday, November 16, 2012

Top 10 procedures for Project Managers

Top 10 procedures for Project Managers

Project Management procedures
Attention all the managers! Follow these highly crucial factors and add to your routine.
10. Get acquainted with actions to explore new visions – Our thoughts are based largely on what we actually see or perceive. Managers have to be aware what other people are observing.
9.  Build relationships with your customers -  Keeping your client posted on your progress and activities is a great idea to build rapport.
8. Look after your team – Remember you can’t cater the client’s need unless you don’t take care of your own team.
7. Keep yourself updated with project goals. – It can be tough to stay on track while managing so many things at a time. Keep emphasizing your team that what your project goals are.
6. Deliberately create relationships – You have to be a relationship manager among  your team in order to motivate them.
5. Keep venturing – Learning is the source for success. Make habit to learn from adversaries. You, your team and your customers will benefit from this.
4. Organize carefully – Very crucial to fulfill the commitment and so is networking. Keep coordinating cautiously or else your project will drift.
3. Work together! – Be a team leader and collaborate with your team well integrated.
2. Pay attention to everything – Keep an eye over every single detail related to your team, listen their views and opinions and give them importance.
1. Expect the unexpected ! Managers need to follow this rule very carefully.  Anticipate events and be well prepared with your team and always keep the place empty for the uncertainty factor.

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