Sunday, October 21, 2012


Giving or receiving feedback is a very important part in professional environment. Feedback if misunderstood can have a negative impact on people’s performance as feedback can be positive or negative. The art is that even negative feedback should be given in a way that receiver gets motivation out of it.

Giving Feedback:
  •       Communicate your perception
  •       Communicate the effect of what has been observed, then
  •       Explain what is your expectation

Points to Remember:
  •         Talk in “I” rather than “You” or “One”
  •         Be precise
  •         Have an eye contact
  •         Don’t give judgment
  •         Don’t try to insult the person
  •         Keep your discussion balanced(i.e positive facts or deltas, don’t use “but”)
  •     Receiving Feedback:
  •         Don’t give justification, don’t get defensive
  •         Listen actively and paraphrase it to communicate that the message is understood and absorbed.
  •         Get in the “perception mode”
  •         Reflect what you heard
  •         Do not shoot or reload(no arguments)

Communication Feedback Styles
There are 2 different styles of Feedback Communication
It relies on an existing pre-understanding
It creates a common context / understanding
Existing relations are continued
Defines the situation properly
Non verbal
Very precise(outspoken and verbal)
Based on Allusions/hints, undertones, abbreviations  
Message is what is being said/clear
Message is what is being limited or what has been unsaid

Risk associated
Risk Associated
Not easy to understand, creates out groups
Lengthy and Boring

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