Friday, November 16, 2012

Managing in hard times

Managing in hard times

How to manage in the hard times?

Recessions are the worst part considered for most managers. But the true skill test is when a manager turns a seemingly bad scenario into a profitable one. How? Well, this is what we are going to discuss in the next few lines.
Turning or I would better call it extracting the best from the worst happenings, is the art and science of management. A manager has to keep some key and crucial tricks in mind that can really help him go through the toughest of times. I am not going to write about those tricks, but rather those mistakes that lead to a definite disaster.
-Do not concentrate on the number, procedures and the same practices that you were following in the good times.
-Do not blame anybody. Managers are after all human beings and tend to react unjustly and emotionally in order to shield his status. Some managers start to blame the economy, marketing, procedures or even their own people for bad performance. Remember, it’s not the quality that suits a manager in any way so avoid this blaming mindset always.
-Some managers just lose hope and eventually their self-confidence which has to be the base of their sustenance in facing the hard times. Depression leads to frustration and frustration leads to overall loss. So better for managers keep themselves from this state.
-Don’t react relentlessly without focusing on your skills that are necessary to stay in the game.
Remember, the recession has something good to offer but only if  you are preparing for it and utilize the time in your favor.

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