Friday, February 1, 2013

Project Threat + Precautions = Project Victory

Risk management

Risk management under the umbrella of best practices, is crucial in the project victory. It compels the project team to think about the deal breakers on a project, and to proactively arrange and execute solutions.
Below are some example of managing risks that could have accumulated a project.
A project manager looks after an electrical team who is responsible for mounting electrical and audio visual machinery. The civil engineering and building teams conveyed the completed and well furnished location, all set for the final stage of the project. To the project manager’s alarm, the team member does not synchronize with the screens, depict them not good for the function.
Where was the problem?
The civil and building teams had changed the measurements of the rooms, the clients botched to correspond the alterations to the electrical team. Pretentious the project was accelerated according to the preparation, the project manager organized and submitted the electrical designs based on the authentic measurements of the room. These designs were made outmoded when the room measurements altered, which distressed the machinery’s placing.
How to resolve?
To rectify the problem, the project manager designed and submitted new drawings for electrical team. The location’s walls and roofs had to be reopened to house the alterations, which caused setbacks and greater costs, amendment and irritation.
Had there been a vigorous risk recognition and executing plans, they would not be in this problem. There were so many pretentious that were left open and risks pertaining to many exterior addictions were ignored.
As part of this risk management, precautions and proactive correspondence with the clients and other teams should have been programmed. For instance, the project manager should have thought and inquired questions about how the contractors and locations be observed and controlled. What would the incidence and form of communication be like with clients?
There should have been an evaluation of what if  situations. What happens if the results are not as predicted or calculated? What are the threats if there are issues with contractors? What is the result of not having keen assets to the team?
These forms of discussions and inquiring would have changed the project manager and team to precautionary program to administer the quality of contractor task and assign the necessary asset on the project team.
So, as a project manager, do you practice risk management? How does its planning and organizing transforms your projects into a victory?
Share your views with us.

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