Sunday, February 17, 2013

Being pushy? Or not?

Assertive Manager
People do not bother how much a person know, until they know how much the person care for others.
Have you ever noticed your project manager saying something which makes you feel like a machine? These are signs you are working with an extrovert manager.
In opposite,  few project managers supervise more as a shy person. They are less  belligerent and more submissive in their behavior.
There is a level of being pushy and assertiveness, which be fathomed as a person’s inclination to aggressively protect, convince and express out for his individual benefits.
Being pushy is an important factor for a leader’s skill to attain outcomes, according to a 2006 research made by Daniel Ames and Francis Flynn. They realized that our normal inclination to concentrate on optimistic data tells that the value of low or high extents of being pushy may sometimes overshadow the positivities in the perceptions of those who watch.
So what is the ideal behavior to boldness in the situation of project management? My answer would be, it actually depends on the kind of project.
May be the crux is to create our abilities to expand a broader range of pushiness and maintain our attitude to the situation of the project.
For example, on short term projects, being assertive to a greater extent will offer us the skill to gain outcomes. But on a long term project, the ideal attitude would be more reasonable in pushiness to develop healthy bonds with our team members, which enables us to coordinate positively in the future.
Which type of project manager you think you are? And which kind of project manager you fancy to be ?

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