Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Top 10 Challenges Of a Change Leader

Change Leader

There are certain challenges and tricks that has to be followed by the managers in order to flourish and move forward by maintaining a healthy change in the organization. An important question for managers is that are they actually developing a social network of practice or excellence origin? Below is a list for change leader and managers which sets top agents for change management. Take a look.
The Challenges!
  1. Perseverance and determination. The manager needs to adhere to the way  and must be able to intervene himself with complex and difficult situations.
  2. Knowledge is Power. The manager needs to be poised and organized even in the toughest of times. He must be able to manage change with structured thought and a calm attitude. And of course, use  the power of knowledge.
  3. Be Positive and Be Real. Don’t just hope for the best. Prepare to make it the best and always keep an eye on the ground realities in achieving the goal.
  4. Think strategically. For managers, it is crucial to set a clear path towards their goal. A plan which has to be navigated.
  5. Supervise. There may be numerous ways to manage change process for a leader. But I think the best among them would be to like one for whom the whole team would willingly like to follow. The manager needs to be an example, rather than just being a boss.
  6.  Think Wisely. When the change is accepted, there are obvious confusions and resistance at many levels. The managers must have an integrative thought process for this.
  7. Know the organization’s cultural values. It is really important for a manager to know well about the organization’s culture. It will help him in making plans for change.
  8. Be an inspiration. A good and successful manager leaves a trail behind him to be followed.
  9. Great decisions. The skill to be a good decision maker is in fact very rare and that is why so much valuable. They say , good decision making comes from profound experience.
  10. Relevancy matters. The change has to be relevant with every asset and resource. The smooth transition is the key to have a successful change process.
Catch you up with more! Till then share your views.

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