Thursday, January 10, 2013

Direct the knowledge spaces

Bridge the knowledge gaps
One thing is for sure, to be a successful project manager you cannot just be recognizable with the roles of project manager. You must be well aware of other responsibilities as well. But in the most common observations, a project manager mostly does things which they are familiar with and not the ones that they must do which contributes a lot to the overall success of the project.
Beside the fact, that a project manager does those tasks which they like the most or they know the best. To overcome the knowledge spaces with the team work specialization. It is essential because in order to get the real path to success, the manager must have an expert and specialized set of team members.
But nobody can be a master of everything. For this the best practice is to acquire feedbacks from the team members on a daily basis. This is a way to make them realize that they are important and are well accepted with their contributions which make a project excel and more productive.
Share with us, how do you tackle with your knowledge with that of your teammates?

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