Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Social Networking for Project Managers

Social Networking for Project Managers
Technology is the most powerful tool today in every aspect of our lives. It has altered the way in which we conduct our business and manage today.  Even in our daily socializing we rely on Skype, Smatphones and numerous social networking sites.
When we talk about Project Management, social networking has another useful form of productive outcomes as the project manager and the team members may not work under the same roof and within different country and region. Here in this blog, we are going to see different social media networking tools that might be beneficial and to increase the efficiency of the project.
Internal Project Blog
Use a SharePoint to upload your project  development progress. This is a great way to get and provide feedback online with project managers and team members instead via phone which is quite expensive and time taking. By the use of blogs, project managers can instantly convey the updates regarding project for instance the manager can use the RSS feed update to keep up the checking state. Also with the use of blogs, a team member can check the past posts to get an instant project update anytime and can get views and help on the project related issue within seconds and without any time restrictions.
Using Skype for collaboration
Skype is a tremendous tool and can help project managers to collaborate their capabilities and allows an efficient way to send instant message with video conferencing. It helps them to conduct a quick virtual  meeting with all your team members without moving anywhere.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – Maintain personal relationships
Relationships are as important to maintain good projects as there is any other important factor in management.  These social media sites are being used widely now in order to develop and flourish relationships that yields beneficial project results. The project manager can create communities with closed groups and can become a cooperative system of feedback, communications and collaboration which ultimately leads to fewer mistakes.
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