Sunday, December 9, 2012

Leadership Talk

leadership talk

Another important notion while demonstrating leadership within your project team, the expanded consultation about leadership within several teams, but the core team which has the control over all has to remain focused on the goal. It will help in making complex decisions made easier and with minimum risk of failure.
Leaders must engage much in the discussion and talk with the team but too much democracy is not good either. In achieving realistic goals, it is important to have maximum control within a core team as a small group with effective control can do a lot better than too many committees talking. This tip is extremely powerful tip for regional, cross regional and global projects.
Some common mistakes that managers often commit is to take a decision and then start their discussion over it. Also they sometimes fail to keep the team focused on the desired goal.
Remember:  “The Romans did not build an empire by having meetings. They did it by killing all those who opposed them.”

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