Monday, December 31, 2012

Job Interview Tips For Those Who Lack Experience

Job interview tips
Every job interview is unique. But there are certain guidelines that are applicable in every interview and they will assist you to build a first good impression always. For any post, remember a few things in mind before you talk about yourself or your work experience.

-Provide the solution. Organizations seek to hire people because they have specific problems and issues which they want to solve with efficient staff. Prepare a detailed program about how you will be solving the company’s problem by mentioning  a list of problems that you have effectively solved in the past.
If you are switching your career path then always bear in mind that some problems are not a specific just like teamwork issues and project management skills. Providing solutions to these issues covers the lacks in straight experiences.
-Precision. Do not attempt hollow clichés. Be precise about your experiences. For instance if you are claiming that you word well with the teams then don’t just leave it like a fancy statement, provide valid explanations by mentioning the types of teams you have worked with and what experiences that you have gained.
-Get ready with your sound bites. I have read about this term which I found really effective. Sound bites are actually the highlights of your past triumphs. They are straight and extremely helpful to make people remember about your interview. For instance “I have designed website for five Fortune 500 firms. These are statements which must focus on the points which makes them unique and better from other candidates.
- Build your confidence about your resume. Resume and cover letter usually comprises a portion of your interview. As resume is a brief introduction about your professional background so there are many points that have to be explained and elaborated.
- Your body language speaks for you. Remember that non-verbal cues are a great source of personality evaluation and thus matters a lot in an interview. Maintain a positive and confident posture with direct eye contact when answering questions. Sit straight without leaning forward. A gentle and warm handshake is an optimistic sign.
-Be positive, always. Adopt a constructive thought when talking about your former loss or experiences. Do not blame anyone as it gives an impression of disloyalty. Always use statements that make the interviewer believes in you for potential hiring.

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