Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Communication Skills

One of the most important characteristics a project manager should have is excellent communication skills. Written and oral communications both are very important for successful projects. Many forms of skills will exist during the life of your project. As the creator or manager of most of the project communication (project documents, meeting updates, status reports and so on) its your job to ensure that information is explicit, clear and complete so that your audience will have no trouble understanding what has been communicated. Once the information has been distributed, it is responsibility of the person receiving the information to make sure they understand it.

But my opinion is that a good communicator is also a good listener. Listening is the toughest part of communication. Everyone wants to be heard, that's the human nature and no one can ignore it. If you donot listen to people the message you are giving is that they are not trustworthy enough to be listened and will have a very bad feeling, sometimes customers react to this situation which gets difficult to handle. So we should listen very carefully what someone is saying be it your customer, you manager, your office colleague or any one else.

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